Licensing tab

The SE Licensing tab controls and monitors product usage and allocation of licenses among servers.  It also shows the status of each licensed user with the following information:

A user is defined by the computer name except when using Terminal Server.  In this case, a user is defined by the username of the user connected to the Terminal Server.

License Allocation

A license is allocated to a user when the product is installed on the client.  The client will communicate with the SE in order to get a license.  If licenses are available, the client will become "registered" and the trial version banner will be removed.  If no licenses are available, the client will remain in trial version mode.

Licenses can be allocated among multiple servers.  A single license code can have its licenses allocated among any number of servers.  For example, a license code containing 10 licenses can have 3 licenses allocated to Server A, 2 to Server B and 5 to Server C.  Licenses can be reallocated at any time.

Adding Licenses

After you have purchased licenses and received your license code, the license code is entered in order to use the licenses.  To add the license code:

1. copy the license code from your purchase confirmation email to the Windows clipboard

2. click the "License codes" button.  The Add License dialog box will appear with your license code automatically filled in.  Click OK to accept.  The new licenses are now ready for use.

Deleting Licenses

The "License codes" dialog box lists all licenses entered and the date of entry.  A license code can be deleted by selecting the license in the license listbox and clicking the Delete button.

License History

The "License codes" dialog box lists all license codes, the number of licenses and the date of entry. 

License Summary

The main Licensing tab lists the number of licenses purchased, the number of licenses allocated to users and the number remaining.  If there are more users than the number of licenses, the number of licenses necessary to remain in compliance will be indicated.

Allocating Licenses Among Servers

It is possible to allocate licenses among multiple servers that have Server installed.  When the Licensing tab is opened, all network servers containing Server Edition will be listed.  Licenses can then be moved from one server to another using the combo boxes provided.